Friday, September 24, 2010

submitted to Apple today!

hi everyone,

after months of hard work, debugging, testing, debugging again, testing again... we have finally submitted release 1.0 of Snake Classic to Apple today!!! we hope Apple will like what they see and the app should be live in the store in 7-10 days.

whoever has seen and played the game so far has loved it. this is what some of our beta users have to say:
"finally a good snake game for the iphone"
"love it, played it all the way on my flight from chicago to SF"
"simple, easy to use. i cannot stop playing it"

we can't wait for the rest of the world to get their hands on it. extreme care has been taken to ensure you have the perfect snake experience!

we will keep you posted. in the mean time, check out some screenshots on our facebook page (click on the facebook icon on the right).